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How do I see the full Typescript type in VSCode?

/ 2 min read

Quite often I want to be able to hover over a type to see it’s full type but VSCode truncates it. This is makes it really annoying to look for properties and their underlying types.

An example of a truncated type upon hover

It turns out, the Typescript server has a property called defaultMaximumTruncationLength which by default sets the maximum type hint length to 160.

It’s a bit fiddly to change this value so I wrote a script (or rather, patched together a load of scripts other people have written) which allows me to change this value on the fly. This is handy because TS truncates these hints to avoid overloading your computer. By being able to set it on the fly, you can revert it back afterwards to avoid these performance issues.

Here is the script:

Terminal window
change_ts_hint_length() {
# Add your VScode path here
directory_path="/Applications/Visual Studio"
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "No length supplied, will use default (160)"
file_path=$(find "$directory_path" -name "tsserver.js" 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z "$file_path" ]; then
echo "tsserver.js file not found within directory $directory_path after recursive search"
exit 1
# echo "Found tsserver.js at \"$file_path\""
# Use awk to perform the replacement
awk -v new_length="$new_length" '{sub(/var defaultMaximumTruncationLength = [0-9]+;/, "var defaultMaximumTruncationLength = " new_length ";")}1' "$file_path" > temp_file && mv temp_file "$file_path"
echo "Length updated successfully: "
cat "$file_path" | grep "defaultMaximumTruncationLength = "
alias tslen="change_ts_hint_length"

I added this to my zshprofile and as you can see I assigned it an alias of tslen (don’t forget to add the path to your VSCode installation as it says on the top line)

Now, when I want to hover over a truncated type, I do the following:

Terminal window
tslen 10000

Then I run cmd + shift + p to open the VSCode command palette and run the “Typescript: Restart TS Server” command. Once this is done, hovering over the type will show the full type (assuming it is smaller than the length I passed in).

Once I am done, I revert the variable by repeating the process but this time I don’t pass in an argument (in which case the script reverts it to the default length of 160)